Monday, August 31, 2015

FREE Workshop - "How the Library Helps Your Business"

For those entrepreneurs and inventors ready to start your own business, please venture down to the Central Library of the Saint Louis Public Library, located at 1301 Olive Street, St. Louis, MO 63103 - 2325. We have an excellent free workshop that you can sign-up for. "How the Library Helps Your Business" is a new workshop that will be taught by our Business Librarians on Wednesday, September 23, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.It will be taught in our second floor training room that is close to the Locust Street entrance.

When you attend, you will get free information on the valuable resources that an entreprenur can use at our Central Library. We will cover business databases that are available both in and outside the Library (if you have a SLPL Library card you can access many databases from home. Government documents and websites and new books that we have available will also be discussed.

 Please call (314) 539-0390 or email,, to register. Space is limited.